fiberglass shafts article

Mark Harris mark_harris at
Mon Apr 14 10:14:27 PDT 1997


I've recently gotten a copy of Sir Jon Fitz-Rauf's "Draft
No. 3, Experimental Fiberglass Shafts and Plastic Cored
Blunts" article. Sir Jon is the SCA Archery Marshal.

Sir Jon said:
"This is the latest draft of an article on fiberglass shafts.  If anyone 
in your area is testing them, could they please pass the results on to me 
as well as their kingdom marshall."

I'm not sure who is doing the testing on these items in this kingdom.
If they (or anyone else) would like a copy of this article, I will
send it to you.

  Stefan li Rous
  markh at

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