
Lenny Zimmermann zarlor at acm.org
Mon Apr 28 08:10:02 PDT 1997

	A group of us from Bjornsborg decided to brave the weather for
Octavian and I must admit we had a very good time. I have heard that
many people do not often get out to the Western Region, but if the
hospitality of the group from Bonwicke is any indication of what to
expect at events in that area, I am surprised that more people to do
not go. We were commenting on the entire way home how nice the event
was, despite the "good Scottish/English weather". (I'll take Italian
weather any day, thank you very much!)

On Saturday they had more than a few displays in A&S that were quite
good. I believe there were around 10 displays in all, and they were
all quite impressive. I must beg a great pardon for forgetting her
name, but a very gracious gentlewoman who had made a very nice
tudor-style doublet and jerkin for her husband won TWO prizes for her
A&S display. One from the populace and another for another reason that
my memory is also failing to provide me. HE Kayleigh Drake made
several beautiful ceramic bowls that were part of the prize, as well
as some gorgeous ceramic cups made by Geoffrey? the Potter.

The winners of th list were already mentioned earlier. Does anyone
remember who won the best beast prizes on the Heavy list? I do know
that Dona Leah won a prize for her displays of chivalry and honor on
the light list. Armand de Foi won a prize for Best Death. (Too bad I
missed it!)

There were many awards given at court, including a Court Barony being
given and, of course, the knighting the next morning, as has already
been mentioned. Feast was quite good, if a tad bit on the salty side,
but there was plenty to go around and I believe everyone was quite

In all a very good event and I know that we will definitely be going
back next year and heading into that area a bit more often in the
future. Thank you Bonwicke for showing us your graciousness and
providing such a lovely time despite the weather's failure to

Honos Servio,
Lionardo Acquistapace, Bjornsborg
(mka Lenny Zimmermann, San Antonio)
zarlor at acm.org

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