ANST - Forgotten Award?

Lori Jones LJONES at
Sun Aug 3 15:43:26 PDT 1997

> > I had heard but did not witness that Curstaigh MacGorlick got a Star
> > of Merit Coronation Weekend. Can anyone confirm?
> > Lorraine DeerSlayer
> Confirmed.  (Yes, that did happen.)
> - Kat M. least, I'm pretty sure it happened.  I mean, that's what I 
was told she was being given (something to do with painting over 
1000 award charters).  I was standing in the back and couldn't 
hear, so I asked the person next to me, who said she was being
given a Star....

I know she was recognized somehow.... in coronation....
Could anyone else confirm this???

- Kat M. (again - just wanting to be sure...)

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