ANST - RE: A&S Judging

Hugh Niewoehner hughn at
Wed Aug 13 04:49:08 PDT 1997

On the judging forms subject, here is the brewing judging form from
Estrella about 3 years ago followed by the Calon form.  The major
difference, which I like, is that the Calon form denotes a point breakdown.
 This tends to reduce the likelyhood that 1 judge will think a certain
factor makes a product only good for X points while another thinks the same
thing is worth X+Y points.  


CATAGORY:  Brewing				Entrant No. _________

DOCUMENTATION						(5 Points Max)		
Should include general description and/or purpose; Date and place of
techniquies used to produce;  Dateswhen ingredients and techniquies chosen
would have been used together.  Are ingredients listed.  Do they cite
examples and/or sources; Are there endnotes or footnotes. Is there a

Complexity of steps used to produce product.  Is the working recipe from a
period source, a modern translation of a period source, a modern recipe, or
an original.  Were tools, materials and ingredients purchased, handmade or
home-grown.  Difficulty of techniques and timing in conjunction
w/ingredients and tools chosen.

WORKMANSHIP						(10 Points Max)	
Is the product completely fermented and properly bottled.  Is it aged and
properly finished.  Does it display suitable carbonation.  Is the color and
remaining sediment appropriate to the end results.  Is the look, smell, and
taste appropriate.  Are ingredients used appropriate to techniqes used.

AESTHETIC QUALITY				(10 Points Max)	
Is the look/smell/taste pleasing.  Are there serving utensils for the
judges use.  Is the product attractively presented.  Is the color pleasing.
 Is there and unpleasent aftertaste or other off flavors.  Would you serve
this product to yourself or guests.

Creativity is considered an artistic deviation from and exact reproduction
of a period item.  How well does this product measure up to the definition?
 Authenticity would be how nearly this product follows a period style,
technique or use of period material.



Brewing and Vinting						revised May, A.S. XX
Type of beverage (ale, mead, wine, cider, etc.) must be period.  Entrant
must specify type of beverage and note ingredients used.  Because the
judging of potables is an extremely subjective process, the Workmanship and
judges' Observation areas have been combined into a single judging area
called Product.
Note: Brews made by completely period processes may be unsafe for drinking.
 Entrants who adapt techniques or recipes for health purposes, and note
reasons for the adaptation, will not lose points in Authenticity.

Documentation (0-4 points)
0:	No documentation.
1:	Minimum information: at least on reference noting that this type of
beverage existed at a particular time and place within SCA period.
2:	#1, plus more specific detail on process used, including recipe.
3:	Above, plus entrant either cites a specific period recipe or offers some
	rationale or period precedent for the process or recipe used.  Entrant
explains rationale for substitutions or adaptions of period process.
4:	Same as above, plus discussion of period practice as it relates to this
entry, including a description of the specific time/place context and
social environment in which this beverage would have been served.
Explains original research or experiment.

Authenticity (0-4 points)
0:	Blatently modern in some way: type of beverage, ingredients, process, etc.
1:	Generally period product, but use of modern preperation process or
commercially prepared ingredients, OR obvious mixture of ingredients
and/or processes from different cultures or periods.
2:	Overall period product, with minor inconsistancies (e.g. some commercial
      ingredients, shortcuts in preperation, etc.).
3:	Period product; process period or reasonable equivalent; no
inconsistancies in ingredients, process, or time/place content.
4:	Special effort to acheive a completely period product in ingredients and
	methods, start to finish (e.g. entrant obtains honey for mead directly
from       bees, etc.) Presentation appropriate to time place context.

Complexity (0-6 points)
Rank the ambition of the attempt, NOT the workmanship, on a scale of 0 to 6
for each of the following.  Divide total by 3 to obtain score.
*	Difficultyand variety of ingredients used: higher scortes for hand
gathering or hand preperation of ingredients from raw state.
*	Difficulty of brewing/vinting process attempted: higher scores for
beverages requiring extra steps (as with brandies and liqueurs) or very
delicate handling, or for use of period processes with few or no modern
*	Extent of original work in deriving recipe and/or process.
 Creativity (0-4 points)
0:	Standard, modern process with no alteration or innovation OR beverage
isn't logical to given period context.
1:	Entrant chose a recipe or process appropriate to period, but made no
original input or innovation.
2:	Evidence of original work logical to period context, in developing or
following period recipe or process.
3:	Creative interpolation in combining recipes, ingredients, preperation
methods or processes; much innovation logical to period context.
4:	Original and innovative; entrant understands period practices, and
improvises or elaborates on them as a creative period brewer/vinter might
have done.  Special consideration, e.g. symbolic ingredients (rose petal
wine for presentation to a new countess), appropriate period presentation.

Product (0-12 points)   Rank the beverage's appearance, aroma and taste as
follows, using either wine-product scale (for wine, mead, etc.) or
beer-product scale (for beer,ale, etc.) as appropriate.  Judges as a group
may make minor alterations in the scale to allow for unusual brewed
beverages.  Award points or half-points as desired.  NOTE: If beverage is
brewed specifically to demonstrate a period product that may vary
unpleasantly from modern tastes, entrant should provide period written
descriptions or similar rationale to justify the type of variance,
explaining specific goals attempted.  Judges should then rate beverage in
terms of period tastes, as documented by entrant, rather than modern ones.

Wine product scale
Appearance (up to 3 points possible; award 0, 1/2, or 1 point per item)
-	presentation: bottling, corking or sealing, over or underfill
-	clarity: 0 = muddy; 1/2 = hazy; 1 = brilliant
-	color: is depth and tint appropriate to type of beverage?
Aroma (up to 2 points possible; award 0, 1/2, or 1 point per item)
-	bouquet: 0 = weak or unpleasent; 1 = strong, fragrant, proper for type
-	freedom from off odors: no vinegar, yeast, sulfite, sulfide, etc.
Taste (up to 7 points possible)
(award 0-2 points for this item)
-	flavor/aftertaste: 0=poor or contaminated; 1/2bitter, yeasty, or
metallic; 1 = sound and drinkable; 1.5 mature, mellow; 2 = deep, elegent,
with finesse.
(award 0, 1/2, or 1 point for each of the following)
-	body: 0 = thin, weak;1/2 = adequate; 1 = full-bodied, correct for type
-	sugar content (sweetness): 0 = too high or low; 1 = correct for type
-	alcohol: 0 = high or low; 1 = correct for type
-	acid (tartness or sharpness): 0 = high or low; 1 = correct for type
-	tannin (astringency): 0 = high or low; 1 = correct for type
Beer product scale
Appearance (up to 4 points possible; award 0, 1/2, or 1 point per item)
-	presentation: bottling, corking or sealing, head space
-	clarity: no haze or floating sediment
- 	color: is depth and tint appropriate to type of beverage?
-	effervescence: head should collapse less than 50% after 1 min.; bubbles
    small-to-medium, feel even in mouth
Aroma (up to 2 points possible; award 0, 1/2, or 1 point per item)
-	boquet: hop character of beer
-	freedom from off odors: no vinegar, yeast, sulfite, sulfide, etc.
-	hop quality: correct taste and aftertaste
-	hop intensity: as appropriate to type of beer
-	non-hop character: correct flavors or undertones
-	sweet/dry balance: as appropriate to type of beer
-	aftertaste: pleasent; not too long lasting
-	body: 0 = thin or rough; 1 = full bodied, smooth, correct to type


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