ANST - Treatment of new people (was [Fwd. Incognito,a sad experience])

Baronman at Baronman at
Fri Aug 29 07:03:37 PDT 1997

In a message dated 97-08-28 12:44:05 EDT, you write:

>Would this experience possibly happen in our fair kingdom?
>>Subj:	 [Fwd: Incognito- a sad experience]

Why am I Not suprised at this?

  This seems to re-issue the thread that Sir Galen of Bristol and I had many
months ago 
wher I took alot of flack about my stand that many people in this kingdom
seem to think the SCA is their private club.  I think this post vindicates
me, but if it does, why don't I feel good about it?
   I can assure Ld. Davydd ( whom I must thank for Not mentioning the
offending Kingdom's name)  that if I ever saw a group of laughing courtiers
or anyone else telling you to move out of the way, these people would be
wearing my size 12's on their posteriors, spurs end first.
   If this post makes it back to Ld. Davydd, please rest assured that the
whole kingdom cannot and should not be judged by one event.  If you have ever
been to Pensic or to Gulf War and met anyone else from our Kingdom,  I feel I
can assure you that we are (for the most part) some of the nicest,
friendliest, warmest, give you the shirt off our back, kind of people.  I
myself am a transplant from Calontir, and I felt more at home in this kingdom
in one event than I did after six months in Calontir.

    Baron Bors of Lothian
  Par Deu, bel sire, cist est de ae vostre lin,
  Et si mangue un grant braun porcin
  Et a dous traitz beit un cester de vin.
  Ben dure guete deit il rendre a sun veisin.


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