NEW BOOK -- Medieval Fur

Mark Harris mark_harris at
Wed Jan 15 12:15:58 PST 1997

Master Brendan Brisbane (of the East Kingdom) posted (to the bryn gwlad

Greetings, I want everyone to know about a new book that has just been
published, and I hope many will desire to possess. I got them directly
from the author, and so they have not as yet hit the national bookstore

Perhaps they haven't hit the chains yet, for it is not one I would expect
to find there. It is however, available directly from Stackpole Books, the
publisher. (717) 796-0411. 5067 Ritter Rd., Mechanicsburg, PA  17055-6921

Constructing MEDIEVAL FURNITURE; Plans and Instructions, with historical
Notes by Dan Diehl. Dan (Captain Frederick von Schwartzbourg) currently
resides in York, England where he is writing scripts for the Discovery
channel.  The book is 180 pages in 19 chapters, paperback and costs $19.95
(U.S. funds) plus 6% PA sales tax and $4.00 shipping, which comes to
$25.15.  Checks or Money orders ONLY, I am not set up to accept plastic

It is an excellant book and I highly recommend it, especially for those
new to making medieval furniture and woodworking.

The price I paid from Stackpole was $19.95 plus $4.00 shipping for at total
of $23.95. There was no sales tax and they take credit cards.

For those wishing to see this book. I will try to bring it to some local

If you wish to buy from the author or an individual, you may still want
to buy from the message poster. I just wanted to let you know that there
is an alternative despite this poster's claims to the contrary.

Ld. Stefan li Rous
Barony of Bryn Gwlad
markh at


So why am I selling theses??  Well. Dan is a close personal friend of mine
and I am an event merchant.  I'm doing it as a big favor to him because he
is not here to hawk them himself.  

Moreover, Dan hasn't seen the released books as yet!  just the proofs, and
he had the first two crates (72 books) shipped directly to me, which means
these won't hit the bookstores (mundanely and Nationally) for about 6
months.  I am the ONLY person selling them at this point in time.  I will
probably go hawking them to booksellers as I find them at events, and
I will be taking them to Estrella war.

If you are interested,
Send Checks or Money orders to:

Korby Art Studios, c/o Bob Rich, 1211 Logan Avenue, Tyrone PA 16686,
and payable to Robert Rich

The books are already selling quite rapidly, the first several copies
certainly have sold much faster than I projected.

Master Brendan Brisbane

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