Textile Information request

Mike Vincent matchstc at atlcom.net
Wed Jan 29 20:25:19 PST 1997

Greetings Good Gentles,

I am lately finding myself in a quandry as to finding documentation on the
use of Angora rabbit wool in period.  I appeal to the spinners and weavers
and any others of the Knowne World to contact me if perhaps you have any
knowledge of this fiber and its history.

So far my research has led me to France in the Year of Our Lord 1660.  It
seems that the Angora is an established breed at that point, in some contact
with the King Louis XIV.

I have also heard rumors of these rabbits being pets of the sultan's harem,
Babylonian gods, and that Ghengis Khan beheaded merchants for asking too
exorbitant a price for the "silk" rabbit.  So far, I cannot substantiate any
of this.

I appreciate your responses to my plea and your time.

Cassandra Keifer of the Shire of Sol Haven

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