Staked Plains

Jeanne Stapleton jstaplet at
Thu Jul 3 14:14:07 PDT 1997

Hi, Ansteorra!

Who's going to Staked Plains?  I wasn't sure I was going until last 
week; and now it turns out our Earl Marshal, Sir Haroun, won't be 
able to go, so it's me and Sir Jochen von Balduinseck as Deputy EMs 
at the war.

Anything I should know?

I'd really love to meet some of you.  I'm short, blonde, and will be 
found loping after the warriors of the Outlands with a big stick in 
my hand.

Countess Berengaria de Montfort de Carcassonne, OP
Barony of Caerthe
Kingdom of the Outlands

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