what do you do?

ND Wederstrandt nweders at mail.utexas.edu
Mon Jun 2 10:58:38 PDT 1997

> Aquilanne wrote:

 Let's face it, if it >-weren't- for that field of expertise, the Laurel
thing wouldn't happen,

 Off hand I can think of several Laurels who defy being categorized into
any one subject. Branwyn O'Brallaghan easily comes to mind.  I also
personally don't like being stuck in one slot.  The Laurel I worked the
most with was a "jack of all trades".  I tended to go that route myself.
It's natural to me in this area -- you know doing calligraphy, wonder about
paper -- learn about making paper -- think about books -- learn to make
books -- wonder about vellum -- learn to make vellum -- think about thread
holding the vellum -- learn to spin, yada yada yada.  Someone comes along
and says what'd you get yers for and whammo what do you say.  I usually say

I agree, Aquilanne,  but the best way I find out who does what is I ask
another Laurel what is it that so- and -so does.  They always know more
about others than themselves.....

Clare R. St. John

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