Lion of Ansteorra

dennis grace amazing at
Mon Jun 30 20:12:17 PDT 1997

Speaking of the Lion of Ansteorra, I've read in some postings that this
award, which can only be awarded once in a reign, cannot be awarded in
absentia. Some folk have tried to explain why, some even citing that that is
the "rule" (I'm still not sure about that; I don't always remember precisely
what I've read).  I'm a little confused; if the crown has labored long upon
this decision and chosen a worthy recipient--say, towards the end of the
reign--and the potential recipient isn't able to make it to that event, then
they're just SOL? It would seem to me, apart from the obvious desire of all
involved that the recipient be able to accept such a wonderful recognition
in person, that the *recognition* being expressed is at least as important
as having the recipient present; not to mention that it doesn't seem fair to
just deny the recipient this possibly once-in-a-lifetime honor just because
the crown's decision may have been made late in the reign and/or something
came up to prevent the recipient from making that event. I mean, traditions
can be nice, but this scenario just doesn't seem quite fair to me. Am I
missing some information here, perhaps?


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