Viking Trivia

Mark Harris mark_harris at
Mon Jun 9 09:27:21 PDT 1997


Ailikn-Thyrie of Uppsala said in referance to Gunnora's recent Viking
Trivia message:

>Thank you for posting that, as a fledgling Viking (i've only been in 6 
>months) these kind of posts are very helpful.  It makes constructing my 
>persona that much easier.  Thank you!!

Gunnora also has a Web site with a bunch of useful articles.

Some of these and a few others are also available in the NORSE section
of my SCA Rialto Files at:

The files in this section include:

amber-buying-art  (27K) 12/30/96    How to buy amber. How to detect fake
Berserkergang-art (50K) 10/14/96    Article on Norse Viking Berserkers.
Egils-saga-art    (32K)  5/22/96    Article giving medical evidence to
                                       an Icelandic Norse saga.
N-drink-ves-msg    (9K) 10/16/96    Norse drinking vessels.
Norse-food-art     (8K)  7/26/94    Article on what the Norse ate.
Norse-games-art   (32K)  7/29/96    Board games played by the Norse.
TEIO-Vikings-art  (18K)  1/10/97    The Earl's Info on Vikings.(A good
Vik-Shp-lst-art   (14K)  3/27/97    "Little Viking's Holiday Shopping List" 
                                       by Gunnora Hallakarva.
Walking-Dead-art  (50K)  9/ 4/96    The Walking Dead: Draugr and Aptrgangr in

                                       Old Norse literature.

There is also a PERSONA section which you might find useful.

Stefan li Rous
markh at

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