award stuff

Jerry Herring jherring at
Tue Jun 24 09:23:25 PDT 1997

Greetings all,
	 I would like to comment on a few things here. I don't mean them to be
 insulting or argumentative, but they may be a little blunt in places. These are my opinions 
and thoughts placed in word not very eloquently but with reverance to our game.
Give them what ever levity you will, but please listen and see my dedication to our dream
of Honor, Glory, and Chivalry...
	This is a game that we all work hard at. We play this game for honor ,glory, 
and fun. And nothing makes you feel better than to receive a little recognition for that 
hard work and level of fun you try to inspire. There were people who played this game
 before many of us that are playing now and they did good things and got rewards
for them. Kings and Queens created awards for them to have. We have given that right 
and privilege to the people that are chosen as King and Queen. And if the are playing 
nice and fair and fun then we have no reason to speak out against them. Something that is 
done far to often when we see the King has done something we do not like, take it too him
Do not speak out here. I see many people hiding here there comments saying things they 
would not say face to face. Why is here any different our honor should hold us to our 
ideals even here. If you play this game and hold yourself as an adult and a person of honor 
then speak kindly and freely to your King. For he is the one how rules here...

The King saw a need to give an award to war bands...something that we don't yet 
have in this Kingdom. He spoke with his advisors and made a decision to do it. 
He could have just as easily given each member of those troops a sable falcon but
 I personally think that ,that would muddy a lot of waters...
	From what I have seen of my 16yrs in the society we reward based on awards 
not on mention or honor or word fame. When someone does good we give them a scroll
 or a medallion or something. That is how we have played this game and I don't see why 
we should expect this King to break traditions and do any different. It is his prerogative to 
do so we give him that power as long as it does not conflict with an existing award in this
 Kingdom or go against our laws. We allow the King this power.  
	We should be glad that they have so far been kind and not exploited those powers...
this is not a democracy. It is a Monarchy and if you want to be good at the game you will 
accept that and enjoy the ideal of it. And revel in the fact that it is for fun...
So if the king makes an award that is great, obviously he thought there needed to be one. If 
we are good followers of the King we will accept it and be happy. If we want to receive
 it we should strive to the level of skill and service that can get it awarded to us. 

Just like any other award.

In service to the Dream 
Laird Ian dun Gillan

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