NSTIW really:)

Eric Jackson jackser at okway.okstate.edu
Sun Mar 23 18:52:02 PST 1997

     I would first like to say that I am sorry for the late posting about 
     Gulf Wars, but I was booted off of the list while I was away and it 
     took awhile for me to resubscribe.
        I cannot put into words how much fun I had at Gulf Wars.  My brown 
     ale did well in the Art's and Sciences and best of all I got to fight. 
     I am a member of the Liondragon guard from Mooneschadowe, in 
     Ansteorra.  I was asked to share one of my NSTIW stories with the list 
     so here it goes.
        When the Liondragon guard was told to hold the gate along with 
     Black company,we did just that.  Now before I continue a brief 
     description is needed. I am 6'2 I weigh 365 lbs, and I bench almost 
     300 lbs, my current squat hasn't been measured  because I can't find a 
     weight belt big enough. So as the army of I think Meridies charged 
     again and we held before the dead could be removed a man in blue and 
     white armor tried to crawl over one of my shield sisters shield, I 
     took a dim view of this and hooked him with my ax onto my shield and 
     held him their for a very long time screaming that he was mine and 
     that he was going no further. His spearmen tried to dislodge him or 
     kill me I was not certain but he grunted like they were hitting him so 
     I finally let him drop. joining back up with my shield wall as I had 
     moved forward to drop my captive.
        My second NSTIW story is from the second siege battle when the 
     heavy cav charge tried to crush the Liondragon shield wall when they 
     hit we did not move nor did we fall.  As they withdrew I screamed at 
     the top of my lungs (which is a very significant volume) Bad dog no 
     biscuit go back to your hole! I lived through the second charge and it 
     was not until my flank was exposed by the death of my friend 
     Reichert(I hope I spelled that right)  when I fell forward dead as I 
     could be from a Knight spearman who taught me how much a groin shot 
     can hurt. But the funny part is when I fell on the pile of dead a 
     great moaning was heard with remarks of OH MY God and as limbs flailed 
     beneath me the marshals cried hold and I went to the sidelines to 
     watch the carnage from afar.
        Being my first war I was amazed most of the time at the sheer 
     number of people it was truly magical and I will treasure the memories 
     and the friends I made their forever.
                VIVAT Black company
                VIVAT Liondragon guard
                VIVAT Northkeep's Baronial guard
                VIVAT ANSTEORRA the greatest kingdom in the known world
                        Ld Owen ap Aeddan ap Trahaern
                        A Founder of Wyrmschlauger
                        Member of the Liondragon Guard
                        Eldest son of house Windbourne

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