New Groups Mailing List

SarahScott Brett bretts at
Sat Mar 29 18:55:59 PST 1997

Greetings to all!

This is to announce the creation of a new mailing list designed  for
discussion of issues relating to new groups within the SCA.

Anyone with an interest in forming a new group, or helping those who are
trying to do so, is welcome on this list.  Members of proto-incipient and
incipient groups, this is a forum where you may find ideas and support.
Potential topics could include recruiting new members, basically get
started and advice on what kinds of things to tell people or teach people
once they have arrived, as well as celebrating each other's successful
meetings, events, or making it to full status.  Those gentles not currently
directly involved with a new group are also greatly encouraged to
participate with advice and encouragement.

The more help and support new groups receive, the more likely they are to
succeed.  It is my hope that this list will augment the information and
assistance already being received from supporting groups and
baronial/regional/kingdom offices, as well as providing a means to hear how
other people in the same situation are faring  and to ask questions of
those who are going through the same thing and those who have been there.

To subscribe, send email to SCA-PROTO-REQUEST at KENYON.EDU with the word
'subscribe' as the body of the message.

Please pass this along to wherever you feel it might be useful.

Yours in Service,

Lady Kasia                                                    SarahScott Brett
Seneschal, Proto-Incipient College of Wind's Reach              Kenyon College
"I've been absolutely terrified every moment of my life, but I've never let
it keep me from doing a single thing that I've wanted to do."  - Georgia

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