E-Mail Attachments

Scott Fridenberg scottf at galaxy.galstar.com
Sun May 11 17:11:34 PDT 1997

I have a request.  When sending attachments with your E-Mail messages please include a description of what you are sending in the message.  I'm getting a little annoyed with clicking on an attachment of a message only to find that it is just a text version of the same message, or worse, a WEB link.  It takes my web browser a while to fire up when I have my mail reader open, and everytime I click on one of those I get to sit and wait a while while the web browser starts up.  I suspect that a lot of these attachments are being sent unintentionaly by users who doesn't understand how their software works.  Also please tell us what application created the attachment.  I frequently get things I can't open because my software doesn't know what it is.  Thank you

Robert Fitzmorgan
Barony of Northkeep

Name: Scott Fridenberg
E-mail: scottf at galstar.com
Date: 05/11/97
Time: 17:11:34

This message was sent by Chameleon 
War pleases me, for I see courts and gifts and pleasure and song all enhanced bey war.  War makes a peasent courtly, so a war well made pleases me. 
Bertran de Born  12th C.

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