Scott White swhite at
Tue May 20 15:09:14 PDT 1997

Urgh ...

Baron Bors, I'm beginning to empathize with you ...

I'm all for free expression of thought, but sheesh, do some of these things
REALLY need to be posted to the whole list? 

Can't tell you the number of times, especially in recent weeks, when 60+
messages of absolute BUNK will build up in my box over the course of a day
thanks to this list.

Private mail is a GOOD thing sometimes ... hint hint hint

And then there's quoting the whole shebang and slapping 'I agree' on the
end ... not changing the subject line when changing subjects ... private
missives bounced back and forth on the list again and again ... and so on ...

OK, enough bellyaching.

I'll write an article on basic SCA listserv netiquette & post it on my
site. Please help me out with ideas, folks, about how to make this a
friendly and helpful resource we can refer new posters to.


<swhite at>

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