ANST - Educational view

Lord Larkin O'Kane larkin at
Mon Nov 10 14:22:08 PST 1997

On Mon, 10 Nov 1997 14:43:24 -0600 (CST), (Joel Schumacher) wrote:

>Granted, I'm no authent-o-crat myself.  I appreciate the things of the
>middle ages, but I'd prefer a party to a museum tour.  But I'm not trying
>to fool myself that it's education for me or anyone else.

Let's see, since I've joined the SCA I've learned that the study of
history can be fun; especially when you try to "live" a bit of it. 

When someone asserts that "this is the way it was done back then" that
I can look it up myself and see.

I've started trying to learn what Di Grassi was talking about. [Before
the SCA if you said something about Di Grassi I would think you meant
the grass [either type].

I've learned that when you fight florentine with a couple of ratan
sticks that you have to block real good or get bruised up [yeah, I got
a couple of beauts this weekend]

I've learned that "honor" is important and that it does mean

I've learned that "Chivalry" means more than "horse calvary".

I've learned that you can have friends that are more like family than
some families.

Yeah, I believe the SCA is an educational organization; even when we
aren't giving demos to Cub Scout troups, graduating sixth graders,
high school history classes, etc. . .

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