ANST - Bathing

Michael F. Gunter mfgunter at
Wed Nov 12 07:11:11 PST 1997

> The bathing thing does seen to come up quite often..especially right after
> the tourney is over1 <grin>  My reading does seem to indicate that the at
> least the Northern groups, i.e. Norway, etc.  were fond of a daily dousing
> and combing of the hair.  Seems kind of odd, considering the water
> temperature up there.  So, go figure!
> Ulrica

There's also the fact that they enjoyed steambaths which actually clense fairly
well. Once sweated out they would pour cold water over themselves, jump in a
nearby lake or handy snowbank. Very refreshing!  But it did serve to get a lot
of the oils and dirt off.

There were also washing bags that were moderately common. Bags filled with
oatmeal and sometimes dried flowers. The oatmeal is a natural cleanser and
skin softener.  Dipped in water and lathed on the body it cleans fairly well
without the need for the full bath.


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