ANST - Who? (was: three k

Ron Brooks ron.brooks at
Fri Oct 24 23:52:00 PDT 1997

AA> in "King's Demon's" the 5th Doctor went back to the time of King
AA> John and the Magna Carta.

AA> I believe the 3rd Doctor went back to Medieval England and first met
AA> the Sontarins in "The Time Warrior"

Didn't the first Doctor go back to Early England and stop a Time Lord 
from interfering with a Viking Invasion of England in "The Time Meddler" 

Also the 2nd Doctor had Jamie the Scots lad as a side kick, he was from 
Old Scotland, although i never knew just when, as that episode I 
understand is now "lost". Jamie did wear a kilt though.

Bjorn Lochlannac
Barony of Bonwicke
Western Region
Kingdom of Ansteorra

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