ANST - Gothic War
Ghislaine Fontanneau/Elayne Hoover
elyh at
Mon Sep 1 20:03:36 PDT 1997
Mitchell-CON, Paul T wrote:
> Galen of Bristol here!
> My thanks go out to Lady Rolanda Rossner, Don Alden, Lady Ghia,
> Drake & Kayleigh, Baronesses Ann & Martha, Masters Haakon &
> Cadwallader, and everyone else who put in so much work to make
> this past weekend's Gothic War such a success. This was my
> first Gothic War, but it will not be my last.
> My squires and I found our visit to the Western Region to be
> highly enjoyable and very educational, and we mean to return.
> - Galen
Welcome! We were glad you could be there! Keep coming to Western
Region events; bring your squires, your 'piece of Ansteorran History,'
and your bardic talent.
And really, no thanks are necessary for me--all I did was dig a fire pit
and gather some bards. The Autocrats and Their Excellencies (all six of
them) did the real work.
If nothing but garbage goes into a computer, nothing but garbage can
come out. This garbage, having passed through a very expensive machine
is somehow ennobled, and none dare criticize it.
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