ANST - Very Important
Carl John Hess
cjhess at
Tue Sep 2 16:24:22 PDT 1997
This is a re-emergence of the now infamous, "Good Times" virus. It too,
was a hoax.
Go to this site:
It will tell you EVERYTHING you will need to know in order to avoid such
*thought viruses* in the future.
Suffice it to say this, opening an e-mail message cannot activate a virus.
You have been "had" my good lady. I apologize for my abruptness, but I
have recently begun receiving many of these warnings from all sides lately,
and I think it's best to say it like it is.
Please write back to me if you have comments or questions.
Carl Hess
AKA C. Scipio Inoculate the World Against the Evil Memes
> From: Liz Allen <gerrod at>
> To: ansteorra at Ansteorra.ORG
> Subject: ANST - Very Important
> Date: Tuesday, September 02, 1997 2:23 PM
> If you receive an email titled "JOIN THE CREW"
> DO NOT OPEN IT!!!!!!!
> It will erase EVERYTHING in your hard drive!
> Please pass this on to all you can think of. This is a new virus that
even McAfee hasn't broken yet
> In service,
> Gerrod/Liz
> Liz Allen, ECA
> gerrod at
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> Did you know that 80% of all EMS
> and Firemen in the U.S. are volunteer?
> Now here is a scary thought ...
> What if volunteers DIDN't volunteer!
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