ANST - Gothic War
Eric Jackson
jackser at
Thu Sep 4 09:18:38 PDT 1997
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Subject: Re: ANST - Gothic War
Author: <ansteorra at Ansteorra.ORG> at SMTP
Date: 9/3/97 2:15 PM
Hi kid, guess who!
You made that WAAAAAAAAY to easy to get a hold of you, and here I was
looking forward to a challenge of my geek fu skills since I seemed to have
forgottem to actually get YOUR address, email, etc.
Owen ap Aeddan
MKA Eric Jackson
115 N. E ST.
Yale Ok 74085
jackser at
What's up?
Getting ready for Mooneschadowe Guardian
how was your ride?
Long but well worth it.
did your newbie have fun?
He had a blast and hopefully we will have him armored up soon
what's you next event?
Mooneschadowe Guardian sep 6-9
Blood of Heroes sep 26-28
Namron Protecterate oct 10-12
Crown Tourney oct 17-19
Battle of 3 kings oct 24-26
Gnomon vales Margrave nov 21-23
Weisenfeur yule revel dec 13
sorry for not sending this private but I need your e-mail as well.
Ld Owen ap Aeddan ap Trahaearn...
Caladin Ironhearth Esq. | Eric W. Brown
Scotland - 1596 | 1905 B Margalene Way,
(Have stick, will hit!) | Austin Texas 78731
| H (512)990-8326
| W (512)238-3227
Green and White havsies with an | "Always remember the worst day of your
otherway swapie doodle thingy | life, it sure beats the alternative."
that looks like an ^ smack on it.| My Grandfather, John Brown. RIP GBHS
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