ANST - eye armour
J'lynn Yeates
jyeates at
Thu Sep 4 06:17:32 PDT 1997
On 4 Sep 97 at 12:24, Dieterich wrote:
> Wolf scratched in the dirt with his paw:
... rather like that
> >'wolf
> >... who dosn't leave the house without a pair of gargoyles sitting on
> >his face
> The mental picture this conjures is... well... unnerving. Are we talking,
> Notre Dame in real life or Disney?
actually Gargoyles, Inc.
manufacturers for high quality light & ballistic eye armour ... wear
them religiously outside, especially on the bike. so far, only
"shades" i've found that allow me to comfortably wear my contact
(hard / gas perm) on my harley, bicycles, skates .... made of
polycarbonate that is *strong* stuff (has protected eyes from
several instances of road debrie that was flipped in my face. own
several "day" pair (in various colors for various light) and a
couple pair "clear" (for night, shop work, indoor shooting, ...)
plus, they have a lifetime guarantee. everytime a pair breaks, i
ship them back (with $6 shipping) and a couple weeks later get a
brand new pair in return. so far i image that in the 15 years i've
been wearing them, i've gotten about 10 new pairs to replace
origional comment (re: gargoyles sitting on face) came from a
company shirt i saw a few years back.
... very serious about keeping eye's intact
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