ANST -Laurel Bards?
KiheBard at
KiheBard at
Sat Sep 6 08:11:14 PDT 1997
In a message dated 97-09-06 03:11:20 EDT, Larkin writes:
(jeesh -- when does this man *sleep*?)
> Now please excuse my obtuseness, but don't you think that in this
> ideal world of ours that a Laurel would normally have a thistle in
> their primary primary field of expertise?
No, I don't. Particularly not for Laurels created prior to the introduction
of the Sable Thistle (or analogous awards in the kingdoms where they
were elevated to the peerage).
Minor grousing, here: it has always been explained to me that Laurels
are no longer created based upon skill in a single artform or area of
medieval science. (There are obvious counter-examples from the
ancient days of the Society as a whole and this kingdom in particular.)
Laurel candidates are expected to show mastery of at least one
such field of endeavor, certainly, or else an exceptionally broad
command of many distinct forms. (Oh, say, costuming, woodworking,
calligraphy, and brewing ... list constructed with no specific exemplar
in mind, mind ye!)
Likewise, an Iris of Merit is for *general* meritorious service to the
arts & sciences and not just the production of fine examples
within those fields. (In general, it is presumed that the recipient
of an Iris displays regularly, teaches somewhat regularly, and
also demonstrates skill in more than a single form.)
To make the explanation as straightforward and pointed as possible:
No, we don't have a "merit badge" system where three Thistles
may actually be represented by two plus an Iris. No, we don't
have a system of awards that guarantees any sort of recognition
at all for that matter... Sable Thistles may in fact be awarded
in areas of endeavor for which there is not an obvious grounds
for creating a Laurel. (Say, just for example, the Thistles given
in the field of Research -- an important component of what
every Laurel might be expected to achieve, certainly, but
not an absolute requirement and certainly not the "normal"
primary basis for elevation as a Laurel.
Pelican, maybe, but not usually a Laurel -- at least in Ansteorra.)
> Larkin-who's working on a Thistle for obnoxiousness
Now _there's_ a recommendation I can get behind. (Preferably
with a nicely honed stick-pin... <GRYN>)
Although I might suggest phrasing it as:
"Sable Thistle - Applied Rhetoric"
(and I can think of some special embellishments appropriate to
the scroll and regalia -- something involving subdued, subtle,
elegant reddish tones...)
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