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Gunnora Hallakarva
gunnora at
Sun Sep 7 18:40:36 PDT 1997
joelight at (joelight) Said:
>I have had the same problem with A& S entries. I have been doing Stained
>Glass now for several years. Good enough to sell several pieces and have
>requests for more. My documentation is now the length of a short research
>paper with the lines, arrows, and paragraphs explain' each (as Arlo said)
>and yet the last time I displayed a piece, I was told it was not period.
>(It was a window pane sized piece of Viking longship...) It is most
>discouraging! Perhaps the most discouraging of all was the person who said
>these things did not even have the honor to put their name on the judging
>sheet so that I could visit with them. I don't mind creative criticism...
Sael og Heil, joelight!
Of course we all are aware that stained glass is period. Without having
seen your piece, all I can guess is that they were commenting on the design
itself as not resembling medieval stained glass design techniques. You
should make an effort to speak with Mistress Mara MacNaughten (Steppes),
who is an acknowledged expert in glassworking, including stained glass, or
perhpas Sir Emrys Shaunnon (Bjornsborg), who while not a Laurel certainly
has done lots of exquisite work in the medium for prizes year after year at
the Tournee de Lyonnesse.
If the judges aren't coming to you, seek them out. Sometimes we don't make
a given event, as real life and mundane obligation can prevent us from
going everywhere we'd like to. Also, consider the ratio of judges to
entries and ask yourself if the judges are not being overworked in what
should be their recreation time in service to you and the other entrants.
It's not uncommon to have too few judges for the number of entrants,
because your judges do this out of the love of arts, and a sense of duty:
we aren't paid for it in anything except the good feeling we get when we
can help someone achieve something greater or better or more period, or
recognize the worth of such an item.
Wæs Þu Hæl (Waes Thu Hael)
Gunnora Hallakarva
Ek eigi visa þik hversu oðlask Lofstirrlauf-Kruna heldr hversu na Hersis-Aðal
(Ek eigi thik hversu odhlask Lofstirrlauf-Kruna heldr hversu na Hersis-Adhal)
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