ANST - ceramics
Dennis Grace
amazing at
Mon Sep 8 13:18:39 PDT 1997
Hi all, Aquilanne here.
At 01:36 PM 9/8/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Trishka Makowski wrote about Marthe de Blenkinsop's
>"I find it strange that it's not considered period... the
>Germans have been
>making Porcelain for at least 500 years... In Dresdin I
That's *china*-- Dresdin *china*. I don't remember the specific make-up of
the clay used, but it was an attempt at producing a fascimile of porcelain.
In fact, if you were to do a piece in any earthenware, then dip it in a
white slip, you'd have reproduced a period technique used to simulate the
look of oriental porcelain by potters trying to protect their jobs by
producing ware that looked like the white porcelain.
Like HL Jin Liu Ch'ang points out:
>Prior to this time, Europeans made many only partially
>successful attempts to reproduce porcelain. Many of
>these attempts would be very hard for anyone other
>than an expert to distinguish.
I would suggest that anyone looking to do period work in porcelain use
period Asian ceramics as their sources for artistic style and documentation
reference. If one wants to do ceramics in a western European style, then
try earthenware or midrange stoneware (it's so much easier to work with
than porcelain, anyway; porcelain has no grog, so it's like trying to work
with Crisco! ;-> ).
Dory Grace--The Inkwell
denouncer of Tytvylus & warrior crone
amazing at
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