ANST - A&S Judging Suggestions
Dennis Grace
amazing at
Mon Sep 8 19:55:09 PDT 1997
Hi all, Aquilanne here.
At 03:58 PM 9/8/97 -0500, Scipio wrote:
>How about having entrants submit their documentation 2-3 weeks prior to the
>competition with photos of their submission? Or recipes for food/beverages?
I can definitely see requiring advance submission of research papers, but
documentation? No. Shouldn't be necessary. Documentation is ideally short
but concise, maybe a page or so, plus bibliography/references/pictures.
>This would take a considerable amount of pressure off the judges on the day
>of the competition, because 80% of their work is already done.
I can't speak for other Laurels/judges, but the lion's share of work for me
in judging is the actual consideration of the entry itself along with the
thought and care I feel necessary in order to give a decently considered
score and commentary. Documentation merely speeds up that particular
process for me by giving me an idea of how much time and knowlege the
entrant has invested in her/his entry.
>This also might open way to separate the top 10% of all submissions, so
>that when competition day comes around there will be fewer entries to
>judge, and therefore less time to be spent judging.
But I don't want to "weed" people out of the process prior to the event. I
want to encourage as many folk to involve themselves in artistic pursuits
and to display their work as possible. If 90% of the original group of
perspective competitors/displayers are eliminated before the majority of us
get to see their work, then we do a grave disservice to not only them but
to the rest of us who might gain from seeing all levels and manner of work.
Better to try to design A&S events more efficiently and creatively so as to
maximize everyone's experience.
Dory Grace--The Inkwell
denouncer of Tytvylus & warrior crone
amazing at
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