ANST - Overlooked A&S Displays - What Do You Do?
Mjccmc01 at
Mjccmc01 at
Tue Sep 9 11:07:37 PDT 1997
Hello from Siobhan again.
As a matter of fact, I have been asked for a comment when something was
overlooked on four occasions that I remember. In one instance, I nabbed a
fellow Laurel who actually knew something about the area. On the other three
occasions, I hope I provided a decent critique.
In one instance, I was talking with an artisan about his entry when I _had_
to leave. We set up a date to meet later, and I finished my critique. I
really try to be reasonable and accommodate people who want my feedback in
most cases. Which brings us to....
My guilty secret. Some people I just can't deal with, and I've tried. There
are some contestants (fortunately, very, very, few) who are so emotionally
involved with their work that they become combative, not only at the event,
but for months later. They even bring their immediate friends and family
into the act. It doesn't matter what you say; even the most mildly worded
suggestion for improvement results in their becoming defensive. I just don't
judge these people. Whether it's their involvement in their work or a
personality problem on my part, the result is the same. Absolutely nothing
comes of the experience but a lot of emotional distress on both sides.
The problem is, by and large, no one else wants to judge these contestants
either. Please note that I am not _at all_ implying that the artisans who
have been discussing these issues are among this group. ('cause they
By the same token, I'm perfectly willing to admit that there are judges who
inspire the same reaction in contestants. I' m probably one of them. (My
mundane private students have nicknamed me "the writing Nazi.")
I really don't want this thread to develop into a "worst A&S experience"
discussion, and I think His Majesty has pretty clearly proclaimed the
solution in the most recent Black Star. Talk to people. More importantly,
listen to them. Very few of us are in this to be mean to people.
"Never confuse creativity with complex stupidity."
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