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Mike_Golden at
Tue Sep 9 22:45:14 PDT 1997
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Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 00:03:56 -0400 (EDT)
Message-ID: <970910000300_266816072 at>
To: ansteorra at Ansteorra.ORG
Subject: Re: ANST - A&S Judging Suggestions
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In a message dated 97-09-09 00:32:39 EDT, timo writes:
(And thanks, timo, reminds me that I wanted to bend Scipio's
suggestion myself!)
> 'ello all,
> Scipio wrote.....
> >How about having entrants submit their documentation 2-3 weeks prior to
> >competition with photos of their submission? Or recipes for
> Aww, come on now, that would take away from one of the greatest A&S
> traditions of them all......
> Frantically trying to finish your project at 3 am the night before the
> event! Or even better (bonus points here) finishing it while *actually
> driving* to the event! :)
Well, can we at least stretch the point and allow the finishing touches
to be made while a *passenger* in said hurtling conveyance? <gryn>
In the best of worlds (a nonesuch place often cited in this thread
of discussion, I might note), yes, this advance notice plan might be
the normal case. I think it perhaps should become standard when
extensive research papers are the things being judged, and
certainly *some* advance filings may become needed for certain
types of event. (Example: Steppes Artisan *this* year had an
advance-notice table reservation & limitation in place, loosely
applied. I reserved a half-table, I used a half-table...)
Not as easy to accomplish the advance-submission guidelines
for many of the major body-of-work displays, but still
something that might help on the morning of the competition.
[frantic contest organizer: "Pardon me, Mistress Laurel Seamchecker,
but do we have *anybody* coming to the event who can judge
gold-plated whangdoodle construction, or proper collection
techniques & display options for them?"]
> timo
> darnedfashionablefeelprivaledgedtobealefty
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