ANST - ccMail SMTPLINK Undeliverable Message
Mike_Golden at
Tue Sep 9 23:09:29 PDT 1997
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Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 00:27:55 -0500 (CDT)
From: Heidi Torres <hjt at>
To: ansteorra at Ansteorra.ORG
Subject: Re: ANST - Question for Laurels and Iris of Merit holders
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I think you need to add "Poetry" (written and performance) to this list,
as well as Herbalism.
(If I missed these, please forgive me for wasting bandwidth and time.)
On Tue, 9 Sep 1997, Lord Larkin O'Kane wrote:
> Wow! I was going to list all the MLs and CIMs from the ROP before
> asking this question, but there are over 300 Masters of Laurel and
> Iris of Merit holders listed in the Roll of Precidence as of Feb 96.
> I would appreciate private email responses to this post from each of
> the Laurels and Iris of Merit holders who read this: reply to
> larkin at please.
> On each of the following catagories would you rate yourself on a scale
> of 1-10 on you ability to judge that catagory at an A&S competition.
> (1= "I like/dislike it but I know nothing about it. 10="I'm as close
> to an expert as there is.")
> Of course if you're not a Laurel or an Iris holder then I don't care
> how much you know about anything :) Just kidding folks. If you would
> rate yourself 6+ in any of the catagories, please do let me know.
> Larkin
> ===
> I. Costuming: 1. Female court 2. Male Couert 3. Female Tourney 4.
> Male Tourney 5. Accessories/single garment
> II. Scriviners Arts: 1. Calligraphy 2. Illumination 3. Calligraphy
> & Illumination (whole scrolls) 4. Painting 5. Printing 6. Drawing 7.
> Cartography 8. Papermaking 9. Bookbinding
> III. Textile Arts: Woven: 1. Plain 2. Twill 3. Satin 4. Brocade 5.
> Damask 6. Tapestry 7. Card 8. Inkle 9. Basketry
> IV. Textile Arts; Non-woven: 1. Carding 2. Spinning 3. Felting 4.
> Fabric Painting 5. Dyeing 6. Resist Dyeing 7. Sprang 8. Braiding
> V. Needlework: 1. Surface embroidery 2. Counted work 3.
> Needlepoint 4. Needleweaving 5. Beading 6. Applique' 7. Couching 8.
> Quilting 9. Stumpwork 10. Cutwork 11. Pulled Thread 12. Gold Work 13.
> Strung Jewelry
> VI. Cooking (subleties placed in appropriate subcategory) 1. Main
> Dish 2. Side Dish 3. Condiment 4. Bread 5. Sweet Dish 6. Cheese 7.
> Non-alcoholic drinks
> VII. Woodwork: 1. Carved (majority work carved) 2. Fabricated
> (little carved decoration; non-carved decoration ok) 3. Inlay
> VII. Horn and Bone Working: 1.Carved (Majority work carved) 2.
> Fabriocated (little carved decoration; non-carved decoration ok) 3.
> Inlay
> IX. Non-Metallic Weapons (majority of item must be non-metallic):
> 1. Bowyery 2. Fletching 3. SCA weapons 4. Mechanical War Machines
> X. Camping and Homesteading: 1. Shelters 2. SCA Cover-ups
> (includes non-camping cover-ups) 3. Gardcening (limited to period
> plants) 4. Animal Husbandry (limited to period breeds)
> XI. Sculpture: 1. In the Round 2. Bas Relief
> XII. Ceramics: 1. Coiled 2. Flat Construction 3. Wheel Thrown 4.
> Modeled
> XII. Mosaic:
> XIII. Glass: 1. Stained 2. Leaded 3. Cut 4. Blown 5. Bead Making
> XIV. Lace: 1. Bobbin 2. Needle
> X. Knitting:
> XI. Metalwork (ornamental and functional) 1. Casting 2. Cold
> Fabrication (no soldering or welding) 3. Hot Fabrication 4. Hot Forged
> (majority of work done in a forge) 5. Raised Work 6. Repoussee 7.
> Etching
> XII. Tools: 1. Hand Tools (tools that fit in the hand) 2.
> Production Tools (such as looms, lathes or pottery wheels) 3.
> Scientific
> XIII. Enameling: 1. Cloisonne 2. Champleve 3. Plique a jour 4.
> Basse-taille 5. Limoges 6. Grasaille
> XIV. Alchemy: 1. Cooked 2. Non-cooked
> XV. Leatherwork: 1. Fabricated (little or no decorative tooling,
> non-tooled decoration ok) 2. Tooled 3. Shaped (includes curboile and
> shaped leather vessels)
> XVI. Musical Instruments (no kits allowed): 1. Strung 2. Wood Wind
> 3. Brass 4. Percussion 5. Keyboard
> XVII. Performing Arts: 1. Instrumental music 2. Vocal music 3.
> Readings 4. Monologues 5. Plays 6. Skits 7. Pantomime 8. Court Dance
> 9. Country Dance 10 Ethnic Dance 11. Other Performances
> XVIII. Writings; Fiction: 1. Tales 2. Plays 3. Poetry
> XIX. Writings; Nonfiction: 1. Historical Research 2. Instructional
> Articles 3. Songs (period style, must be performed by someone) 4.
> Music (period style, must be performed by someone) 5. Research
> projects (must have a paper and a demo or display of the finished
> project)
> XX. Brewing: 1. Lager 2. Ale 3. Wines 4. Sparkling Wines 5. Mead
> 6. Liqueurs
> ============================================================================
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