ANST - A&S Judging Suggestions
Heidi Torres
hjt at
Wed Sep 10 11:17:30 PDT 1997
Greetings Baron Bors!
On Tue, 9 Sep 1997 Baronman at wrote:
> In a message dated 97-09-09 11:51:59 EDT, you write:
> >> I can definitely see requiring advance submission of research papers, but
> >> documentation? No. Shouldn't be necessary. Documentation is ideally short
> >> but concise, maybe a page or so, plus bibliography/references/pictures.
> How come in the A&S events I used to enter, the requirements were three pages
> of documentation- have things changed that much in five years?
What competition was this, Bors? I have never seen or entered one where
that much documentation was required -- I'm surprised anyone entered.
I've been a Laurel for over 11 years now, and was pretty conversant with
what they wanted by way of documentation prior to that. The standard of
the Laurels I ran around with (and my own even now) is that 1 page would
be great, 1 1/2 or 2 with bibliography. Judges generally don't have time
to read more than 3 pages of documentation and prefer it to be more
In fact, for awhile there, a lot of competitions weren't even requiring it
because people were so scared of it.
Could this have been an event-specific requirement?
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