ANST - Another sad day...
jamnor at
Sat Sep 13 07:28:16 PDT 1997
I am truly saddened by the passing of William Blackfox. There are not enough
like him in the
world. he shared his talent and his heart freely amoung us all. I also have
fond memories of his helping me with a tent at an event and worrying about
whether I was doing ok or not at a time when nobody else even gave it a
thought. He enriched the dream and lived it in so many ways that it is hard
to express them all. I feel like his loss is as deep to our world (of the
SCA) as Diana's is/was to the 'normal' world. We have lost something special
that will not come our way again...There is a hole in my life that will not
be filled by another and I barely knew the man, but was terribly touched by
his life. My heartfelt sympathies and condolences go out to those who were
very close. Also thank God his artwork was so expressive and so fitting a
memorial of the person he was and we will have that with us always.
Talitha of Flanders
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