ANST - Byzantine
Scot Eddy
seddy at
Thu Sep 18 02:45:38 PDT 1997
Greetings Gentles,
Mistress Veleda of Isenfir's _Fashion at the the Center of the
Universe_ (I hope I got that right, I'll have to check) is a good plce
to start. She spends too much time in pre-period clothing in my
opinion and a few of her drawings are misleading, but it's not bad.
Creative Anachronist called _Vestarios_ is another good work.
After that it's time for the art books. This presents something of a
problem. Icons, which are the sources for much of what we know about
their clothing, are properly done by copying as closely as possible
the original. While this may seem unoriginal there are religious
reasons for doing so. In short, Mary is always dressed in 2nd C. garb
even if it's a 15th C. icon. Much of the clothing is pre-period as is
the armor, unfortunately.
Often, though, you can look at the others in the background. Minor
characters are sometimes shown in period clothing. Emperors usually
are in the mosaics.
If anyone has specifice questions about Byzantine garb I would love to
help them out. I'm planning a class on Byzantine clothing and would
love to give it when it's complete.
Grace and Peace,
Jovian Skleros
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