ANST - Sumptuary laws (lots o' stuff)
Lord Larkin O'Kane
larkin at
Thu Sep 18 10:02:03 PDT 1997
On Thu, 18 Sep 97 09:27:57 -0600, "Deborah
Sweet"<dssweet at> wrote:
> Your point about the Marshal's Handbook being entirely a part of
>Kingdom Law is good & somebody else mentioned the Treasurer's Handbook
>as well. These two "sections" of Kingdom Law are sufficiently long
>enough, complex enough, & specialized enough that they deserve to stay
>separate publications. However, the sumptuary laws, as someone else
>mentioned, are one to two pages long. There is no logical reason to
>*not* include them in the main body of Kingdom law. IMHO, if the kingdom
>laws in the various handbooks are less than (say 5-10) pages long each,
>they should be included in the main body of kingdom law. That's where
>people are going to go first to find out the answers to their questions!
>(And there's nothing to *prevent* the various handbooks from including a
>*copy* of the relevant kingdom laws within them.)
Estrill has an excellent point. How about organizing "Kingdom Law"
into sections such that those portions that are large and apply to a
select portion of the populace (Marshals, Heavey Fighters, Light
fighters, Treasurers, Heralds, Seneschels, chirugions, Constables,
etc. . .) would be published and maintained in separate phamplets (as
they are now) but would be referred to in the basic booklet of
"Kingdom Law" perhaps as
ARTICLE IX The Book of The Herald
ARTICLE X The Book of the Seneschal
ARTICLE XI The Heavy Weapons Handbook
ARTICLE XII The Light Weapons Handbook
ARTICLE XIII The Treasurer's Handbook
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