ANST - Re: ANST Kingdom Stock Clerk
Lord Larkin O'Kane
larkin at
Thu Sep 18 15:21:05 PDT 1997
On 18 Sep 1997 11:38:10 -0500, "Mark Harris"
<mark_harris at> wrote:
>Sir Kief mentioned:
>> Then folk that are interested in the different parts can order them
>>from the Kingdom Stock Clerk...
>I've seen multiple mentions of this "Kingdom Stock Clerk" over the
>past year or two on this list. But I don't remember seeing any
>mention of this person? group? in the BlackStar, although I may have
>just missed it.
>Can someone post contact info? Or how to get a list of items handled
>by them? There are probably some things from them that I ought to
>be looking at.
Hi Stefan,
You'll find the Kingdom Stock Clerk listed under Deputy Treasurers on
page 56 of the September Black Star. He is
Lord Angus Duncan Cameron
(Warren Klinger)
1473 Lillus, Abilene, TX 79603
(915) 673-6106
> Stefan li Rous
> markh at
You're most welcome.
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