ANST - Order of the Pelican...
Dottie Elliott
macdj at
Mon Sep 22 08:13:49 PDT 1997
> Is the problem that there are so few members of the Order?
> If so, why? Lack of enough people doing the hard work? Lack of
> peerage qualities? Too high of standards for this Order and not the
> others? (The Knights and Laurels seem to number in the millions at
> times. *wink*)
> This is something that deeply disturbed me since the Order of the
> Pelican is the Order that shows others that the giving of service is
> truly something to enjoy. If the Order is dieing (which is what 0 in
> attendance at such announcements indicates to me), than the Society, at
> least in Ansteorra, is truly in trouble.
It has been my observation having served beverages at 2 Pelican meetings
(coronation & shadowlands) that there seem to be only a few Pelicans. At
Coronation there was *maybe* 15 and at shadowlands not even that many. I
have been told its the smallest by far of the circles. However, this is
generally the case in all the kingdoms I have lived in. Sadly, based on
the rate of new Pelicans made since I have lived here Ansteorra is by far
the hardest place to become a Pelican of the 3 kingdoms I have lived.
It is most unfortunate that the Pelicans are not more visible.
Volunteerism is the ONLY thing that keeps the SCA running. If we ever
lose our desire to volunteer the society would cease to exist. Rewarding
that effort is as important as rewarding any other skill in the society.
Baroness Clarissa di Firenze
Seneschal, Barony of Bryn Gwlad, Kingdom of Ansteorra
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