ANST - Order of the Pelican...
Paul Foster
rhodri at
Mon Sep 22 12:28:37 PDT 1997
Greetings Pug!
Rhodri here.
I was in attendance at Ravensfort, but not for the court that evening.
I was also at the Pelicans meetings at Coronation and Shadowlands.
While I knew the Crown had received positive responses to both the about
to be elevated people, the Pelicans were not told when the announcement
would be.
If I had known they were going to announce Pelicans at court, I would
have stayed, as would several others. (By the way, I saw eight Pelicans
at Ravensfort that day, not all of whom were knights.) Often the reason
the peerage is not in attendance at the announcement is the peerage
didn't know it was going to be announced. Yes, the Crown has taken
council and gotten a good response. No, the Crown did not inform the
circle when action would be taken.
The security of information within a circle is not always good and the
Crown may want surprise for some individuals. This is the Crown's
perogative. Sometimes the Crown is still seeking information from
members of a circle not at the meeting and makes the final decision
after the circle. Then the members of that peerage, while not surprised
by the announcement, are often unaware of the timing.
No slight was attended to either of the two named to be raised, and I am
now making efforts to try and attend events I had not planned on going
to so that I can be there for those ceremonies. Whether I can be there
or not, my congratulations and good wishes to both fledglings.
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