ANST - Order of the Pelican...
Burke McCrory
bmccrory at
Mon Sep 22 13:53:56 PDT 1997
At 03:14 PM 9/22/97 -0500, you wrote:
> The northern region, as you all know, has now only one Pelican, Master
Baron Pepin. I would like to know if there are pelicans on this list >who
would care to know if there are people in the north who are deserving of
notice. I'll not embarrass anyone publicly (on this issue at any >rate)
*wink. Pelicans who wish to respond,please email me privately if you have
the time to listen to me.
>Ly. Britta the Red
>Seneschal, Gnomon Vale
We have two other members of the Pelican circle here in the north, Sir
Fredrick and Vicountess Megan, both whom live in Wiesenfeuer. Also, we
soon will have another, with the announcement this last weekend that HL
Claryce Rapheal Orfevre will be elevated to the rank of Pelican at Namron
In Service to the Dream
Sir Burke Kyriell MacDonald
Kingdom of Ansteorra
mka Burke McCrory
email: burkemc at
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