ANST - Byzantine Emperors
Scot Eddy
seddy at
Tue Sep 23 05:29:28 PDT 1997
In a previous post someone added a Byzantine webpage link (thanks,
that was really interesting. Some stuff I hadn't seen before) At the
end they stated that we should look at all of the Emperors that had
been forcibly removed from the throne. Here for your general enjoyment
and for chroniclers in need of material for their newsletter is a
comprehensive list of those rulers.
This list brings up an interesting question as well. Why have all of
the changes of rulers been peaceful? It definitely wasn't always in
period for Byzantine OR western kingdoms. Why haven't we had a good
"poisoning" or rebellion? Why doesn't the prince come in and take the
throne by force of arms. It would, of course, have to be ok'd by both
TRM and the prince/princess. I for one would like to see some
different persona play.
Food for thought,
Jovian Skleros
Eighty-eight emperors sat on the Byzantine throne from 324 AD - 1453
AD, twenty nine of them met violent ends. Here are the rulers, dates
of their demise, and method of their "removal."
Basilicus 477 AD Starved in prison
Zeno 491 AD Buried alive
Maurice 602 AD Decapitated
Phocas 610 AD Dismembered
Heracleonas 641 AD Mutilated
Constantine III 641 AD Poisoned
Constas II 668 AD Bludgeoned in his bath
Leonitus 705 AD Decapitated
Tiberius III 705 AD Decapitated
Justinian II 711 AD Decapitated
Phillipucus 713 AD Blinded
Constantine VI 797 AD Blinded
Leo V 820 AD Stabbed and decapitated
Michael III 867 AD Stabbed
Constantine VII 959 AD Poisoned
Romanus II 963 AD Poisoned
Nicephorus II 969 AD Stabbed and decapitated
John I 976 AD Poisoned
Romanus III 1034 AD Poisoned and drowned
Michael V 1042 AD Blinded
Romanus IV 1071 AD Poisoned and blinded
Alexius II 1183 AD Strangled and decapitated
Andronicus I 1185 AD Mutilated and tortured
Isaac II 1193 AD Blinded
Alexius IV 1204 AD Strangled
Alexius V 1204 AD Blinded and maimed
John IV 1261 AD Blinded
Andronicus IV 1374 AD Blinded
John VII 1374 AD Blinded
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