ANST - Byzantine Emperors mistake
Dennis and/or Dory Grace
amazing at
Tue Sep 23 11:10:44 PDT 1997
Jovian Wrote:
>I swear that post looked neat and orderly on my screen, but when I
>looked at it from my mail program stuff was spread out all over he
>screen. Sorry about that. I don't know what I did wrong, but it's
>still in order at least.
>Again, sorry about the weird stinging-out-all-over-the-place effect.
>Beating my computer into submission,
>Jovian Skleros
(And to think I was going to merely comment on what a jolly bunch the
Byzantines seemed to be.)
Shame and woe upon you, Jovian Skleros, to inflict upon our undeserving
screens this evil and demonic formatting that twists and skews our visage
like a sorry snake slithering upon sifting sand! (Nice alliteration, huh?)
Oh, vilest of vile virtual virus-begotten venues that hypnotize and seduce
us into innocently believing that that which was presented unto us thusly
was TRUTH and ORDER! Beatest thou thy blameless tool, oh virtual scribe?
Nay, gettest thee to a sage who might show ye the way and sooth the
inflamed language of thine program.
(OK--so maybe I've had just a leeetle too much coffee now? ;-> )
Dory Grace--The Inkwell
denouncer of Tytyvylus & warrior crone
amazing at
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