ANST - peerages
Elisabeth B. Zakes
moondrgn at
Tue Sep 23 12:38:37 PDT 1997
At 11:09 AM 9/23/97 U, you wrote:
>Pug brings up some interesting points about the SCA peerages.
>Among them is the perception that the number of Pelicans is
>much less than the numbers in the other two orders. While this
>is probably true, I suspect some of it is not real but only
>in appearance. Perhaps someone can give us actual numbers?
>While the knights often strut around in white belt, spurs and
>gold chains (and I suspect this is quite period), the Pelicans
>are often less noticable in personality and regalia. I have
>met many Pelicans and Laurels who do a lot to NOT stand out.
>They try to blend into the background. You may well know they
>are working, but you don't know they are peers.
>I think it is important to have the peerages to strive for, to
>have people to look up to, to have examples of the best of this
>dream. Unfortunately, with the Pelicans it is often difficult
>to see these people. Not only are they often working behind the
>scenes hidden from view but when they are visible they are like
>the hen peacocks. Perhaps we need more male peacocks with bright
>noticable feathers.
>Comments, suggestions, disagreements?
>Stefan li Rous
>markh at
It's a touchy subject. If we behave as peahens, we are told that we are not
visible enough. If we behave as peacocks, we're told that we're showing off
or boasting. It's hard to find that middle road.
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