ANST - Order of the Pelican...
Jeanne Stapleton
jstaplet at
Tue Sep 23 14:19:47 PDT 1997
> >from Pug:
> >(I also feel that I can't recommend for awards that I neither have
> >[or within range of getting] nor am able to judge either due to
> >lack knowledge of the skill.)
> This is something I have heard over and over again and I disagree
> with it. If someone (even if they have *never* received an award)
> sees someone deserving of recognition, then they should write and
> recommend that person. Even if they don't know quite what to
> recommend them for, write the baron/ess or crown and tell them why
> the person deserves recognition and simply say you are not sure what
> level of award is appropriate but an award is needed!
> Recommendations is what is needed - bringing that person to notice.
> Once the name and reasons for the recommendation is known assigning
> the right award can be done by someone who has an OP to check what
> has already been given. If we wait for someone with the award or
> one of the peers or nobles, the person may not get the notice
> deserved as quickly for any number of reasons including the peers
> just can't be everywhere.
> As for recommending peers, you have very aptly stated some of the
> requirements for peerage: >The last I > checked, which has been a
> while, a Peer is to be a well rounded person > who understands the
> courtly and chivalric graces. A Peer is someone > who gives back to
> the Society as much as the Society has given to > them. All Peers
> need to know the basics of dance, costuming, period > games
> (particularly chess if I remember right), chivalry, Society and >
> Kingdom Law, as well as continuing to perform service through
> teaching > if through no other method.
> Even though most of us are not a peer, any of us are qualified to
> recommend someone because each of us know the general guidelines
> above and its reasonably possible for anyone to know what
> good/excellent fighting is, arts done consistently well or service
> above the norm.
> It is part of our game to help make sure folks are getting the
> recognition they need.
> Please do not let lack of a specific award keep you from nominating
> someone for that award.
> Clarissa
Absolutely, what she said, over and over, infinitum.
I was having a discussion with a friend of mine who is a Laurel just
last night about writing an article on award recommendations--not
just the form, but the content.
Which makes more sense, writing a recommendation for someone for
an award (there are living exemplars of the award around us, as well
as published descriptions, thanks to the web and past newsletters,
not to mention the Corpora, of qualities that lead to the bestowing
of the awards), or going around griping that you don't know why Joe
doesn't have a [fill in the blank]?
You'd be amazed at how few letters of recommendation a Crown
actually receives.
The Crown is not omniscient.
Countess Berengaria de Montfort de Carcassonne, OP
Barony of Caerthe
Kingdom of the Outlands
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