ANST - Re: Pelicans
Gregory R. Gagnon
cian at
Tue Sep 23 19:41:52 PDT 1997
> Marc- You are correct in you opinion that Pelican's can take proteges.
> However in this Kingdom, it is seldom done. Don't know why. Just has never
>been a common practice as in other kingdoms. As to it being a possiblility
>that such a practice, or lack thereof, could be contributing to their lower
>numbers....mmmmm could be. There are kingdoms who's number of Pelicans are
>right on par w/ the Knights and Laurels. And there are those kingdoms who
>are quite similar to ours in ratios. Guess it just has to do w/ that
>kingdoms' views on how much/ how visible/ how soon, etc.
Please bear in mind that these are observations and not calculated facts. The
disparity may be in numbers or merely in visibility (how about that "Three
Orders of Knoghthood" thing?). Taking of Protege(e)s by Pelicans has not been a
_common_ practice anywhere I have been. The numbers of squires/apprentices of
friends and acquaintances of mine over the years far exceeds that of protege(e)s
of my Pelican friends. This is both on a total number and student per peer
basis. There have also been fewer total Pelicans. I am not sure of the reason
for this but it may be the nature of the work. I can take someone and teach
them sword, shield and pole arm play and shield work (no bias there). A Laurel
can teach brush, needle, and spoon strokes. What would a Pelican teach? At the
risk of becoming overly philosophical, it seems in many ways that service is an
innate thing waiting for expression and not a skill to be developed. Perhaps
the Chivalry and Laurels are recognized for what they _DO_ and Pelicans are
recognized for who they _ARE_, something diffiult to see and often uncomfortable
to recognize. This is not to say that, as Laurels and Members of the Chivalry,
our identity is not a part of our peerage, just that we are first noticed for an
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