ANST - Proteges, Squires, Apprentices
cward at
cward at
Wed Sep 24 14:39:11 PDT 1997
Squires, apprentices, and proteges are personal relationships, not ranks or
awards. Basically, a squire is a Knight's student, an apprentice is a
Laurel's student, and a protege is a Pelican's student.
How do you become a squire, apprentice or protege? One of two ways:
either the appropriate peer asks you if you would like to become their
student, or you can go to a peer and ask them if they will take you as a
student. Just because you are asked does not mean that you have to accept,
nor can you expect that just because you ask a peer will take you as a
student. A peer's duty is to teach anyone, but the relationship of
squire/apprentice/protege is a closer, more personal mentorship arrangement
The conditions of the relationship will vary between every student-teacher
pair. Some peers require that their students swear fealty, others write up
a contract of what is expected between the student and teacher. Others
have much less formal arrangements.
(Writing from my work account)
Original Text
From: "Bill Sholar" <BillS at>, on 9/24/97 3:31 PM:
As a newcomer to the SCA, the recent discussion of Peers has raised some
questions. How does one become a Protege, Squire or Apprentice? (Or
Cadet for that matter?) Are those titles recognition of achievement? Are
they 'half-way' to the full blown Peerage (or Grant)? Are they merely a
declaration that the individual has set foot on that road? In other
words do they recognize skill/merit or intentions? Something in the
middle? Who is involved in the decision to award the red/green/yellow
belt? Is there a ceremony like there is with a Peerage or is it a
private matter?
--Bill (who will soon hopefully have a better name once he can nail down
some research on 13th c. Provence)
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