ANST - Bill de Provence
Dennis and/or Dory Grace
amazing at
Wed Sep 24 18:29:40 PDT 1997
Salut, Cozyns,
Lyonel aisai.
I just happened to notice this signature line today:
>--Bill (who will soon hopefully have a better name once he can nail down
>some research on 13th c. Provence)
An excellent choice, midon. I came to an interest of Provence via studies
in occitan ancien, long after I'd chosen and passed an English name.
Still, as a starting point, you might try the names of the Troubadors (12th
and 13th century) as source material. All of these gentlemen originated in
Languedoc, of which Provence is the eastern tip:
Jaufre' Rudel de Blaia
Bernart de Ventadorn
Peire d'Alvernhe
Arnaut de Mareuil
Peire Vidal
Raimon Jordan
Raimbaut de Vaqueiras
Bertran de Born
Guilhem de Cabestanh
Gaucelm Faidit
Aimeric de Peguilhan
Pons de Capdueill
Jausbert de Puycibot
Aimeric de Belenoi
Bernart Arnaut de Moncuc
Peire Cardenal
Bernart d'Auriac
Guiraut Riquier
Arnaut Daniel
Raimbaut d'Aurenga
Raimon de Miraval
Guilhem de Montanhagol
Richart de Berbezilh
Albert de Sisteron
Folquet de Marseilla
Guiraut de Salignac
Guilhem de Figueira
Bertolome Zorzi
Some of these names have variant spellings:
Guillem for Guilhem
Raymon, Raymond, or Raimond for Raimon
Giraut or Giraud for Guiraut
Arnaud for Arnaut
Hoping I haven't repeated any of these names, ieu reste
lo vostre por vos servir
Sir Lyonel Oliver Grace
Recovering Herald
Dennis Grace
University of Texas at Austin
English Department
Recovering Medievalist
mailto:amazing at
Micel yfel deth se unwritere.
AElfric of York
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