ANST - Raven's Fort Defender XV De-Brief
Paul Gilbert
vis_pfg at
Thu Sep 25 14:29:20 PDT 1997
There were a few items that were lost at Raven's Fort Defender XV
that their owners have asked me to put out the word on.
It would have been lost in the area of Sir Dieter's vigil encampment.
They are....a knee cop, an elbow cop, a vanbrace and a glave.
If anyone has come up with extras....please contact me for the owners
are very interested in getting them back.
BTW, for those that are interested..... Here is how we came out.
Attendance was GREAT!!!! Total gate count was 431 persons. There were
171 feasts sold (we had a limit of 175). About 200 feasts were served
(this included the hired help and the head table and musicans.)
The fighting was wonderful!!!, the A&S was wonderful!!!! The
Equestrian was fabulous, The feast was the greatest!!, however the weather was
I am collecting the names to post of those that won. Sorry to have
taken so long to do this. But "work" has slowed me down a
I want to thank everyone that helped with Defender XV and attended
the event. It was a learning experience for myself and my Lady as it
was the first event we have ever Autocrated. We learned much for the
next one.
Maybe now my hair can start growing back <grin>
In Service.....
Lord Nikolas Vasilievich & Lady Kitba-tu Kezia
Paul Gilbert Barbara Gilbert
Barony of Ravens Fort
Paul Gilbert Nikolas Vasilievich
Huntsville, Texas Exchequer of The Fort
409-291-9532 Barony of Ravens Fort
vis_pfg at Kingdom Of Ansteorra
Society For Creative Anachronism
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