ANST - Raven's Fort Defender XV De-Brief
Keith Ewing
keandbc at
Fri Sep 26 00:12:01 PDT 1997
You wrote:
>Greetings from Alexis LaBouche:
>The results of Defender XV:
>Chivalric list: Centurian Alaric Drake, Baron of Bonwicke
>Rapier list: Lord Wolgang Van Dem Hoffen (first Stargate, now
>Ravensfort, notice a trend?, go Loch!)
>Arts and Science: His Excellancy Daffydd De Mortemer (nice boat!)
>Ravenskald: Lord Wolf of Stargate
>Equestrian: Lord Alexis LaBouche (just a little horn tooting for the
No horn tootin for your horse.....I think she helped!
Why is it that we do not announce the horses name with the winner of an
equestrian list...just wondering.
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