ANST - Pelican Info
ND Wederstrandt
nweders at
Fri Sep 26 06:05:18 PDT 1997
I would like to pass on to the Pelicans who receive this to be aware that a
Pelican List has been set up similar in shape and method to the Laurel list
on the net. So far there are only three people on it. It was set up to
facilitate communication between the Pellies, and maybe start solving some
of the perceived and real problems with the circle. There is also a
newsletter that has been started that will come out irregularly. If you
did not get one please send me privately your name, address, and e-mail
address so I can place you on the list.
The e-mail address for the Pelican list is majordomo at Ansteorra.ORG
In the body or message area please put subscribe ansteorra-pelicans (your
@e-mail address)
I am not on the Ansteorra list so any responses need to be sent privately to me.
Clare RosMuire St. John
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