ANST - Proteges, Squires, Apprentices
Elizabeth Zimmerman
bethzimm at
Fri Sep 26 19:04:30 PDT 1997
As Galen said, each relationship is similar and each relationship with
your knight, master/mistress, etc. is different.
I asked my Laurel if she would apprentice me. We went on a short
trial period and then I was accepted. She had seen my work and felt
she could help me in some areas, and in other areas I was her equal in
work. The ceremony where I recieved my apprentice belt was private
between myself, her and her other apprentices. I have seen it done in
court. One of the things she said she would teach me is what it meant
to be a Laurel and a peer. This does not preclude me from seeking
instruction or help from others.
When I took the apprentice belt I also took on the obligation of
protecting her honor as my own, since my actions may reflect on her.
I take this obligation vvery seriously. My actions reflect not only
on myself, but on the society also. It's fun and a game, but there
are lessons to be learned here.
Afrena O'Dunlaing
still lost in Trimaris and missing Ansteorra 8^(
---Bill Sholar wrote:
> As a newcomer to the SCA, the recent discussion of Peers has raised
> questions. How does one become a Protege, Squire or Apprentice? (Or
> Cadet for that matter?) Are those titles recognition of achievement?
> they 'half-way' to the full blown Peerage (or Grant)? Are they
merely a
> declaration that the individual has set foot on that road? In other
> words do they recognize skill/merit or intentions? Something in the
> middle? Who is involved in the decision to award the red/green/yellow
> belt? Is there a ceremony like there is with a Peerage or is it a
> private matter?
> Thanks,
> --Bill (who will soon hopefully have a better name once he can nail
> some research on 13th c. Provence)
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