ANST - Wink, wink...
chiang at
Tue Sep 30 21:41:52 PDT 1997
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-> From: joelight at (joelight)
-> To: "ansteorra" <ansteorra at Ansteorra.ORG>
-> Subject: ANST - Wink, wink...
-> Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 21:18:19 -0500
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-> sampling the desert for Saturday feast at Sentinel in
-> Blacklake. It's SO good, you should drive on out and try it.
-> Caber toss, sheep throw, heavy, light, archery, arts, sciences, middle
-> eastern, bardic, prizes, glory, men, women, food, folks, fun...Beautiful
-> site with soft grass and no stickers. AND...FOODFOODFOODFOOD! The
-> feast is Italian...let your imagination soar!
-> All this and we're humble, too.
-> Ulrica
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-> tasks.
Ok, guess I'll be there. Especially since you'll disown me if I'm not.
Present Champion of the Sentinel
Western Region of Ansteorra
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